Personal safety is what FERST Training Solutions is all about. For more than a decade we have been training government, corporate and community organisations to keep their workplaces safe, meet industry standards and save lives in the event of an emergency.
All of our trainers have front-line emergency response experience with backgrounds in the military, fire and other response services. FERST Trainers are ready and able to deliver Nationally Recognised training that exceeds the Australian Standard requirements and are corporate members of Fire Protection Australia (FPA).
We offer a range of nationally recognised training courses and packages and specialise in tailoring training to your workplace or facility while exceeding the Australian Skills Quality Authority standard. Our trainers will incorporate your facility’s emergency response systems and procedures into the training and contextualise scenarios to be relevant to your workplace.
FERST Trainers update and refresh the lesson plans and materials in line with professional development, industry specific regulation and as new legislation is introduced and becomes law.
As all-round specialists in emergency planning, we also produce Evacuation Diagrams, Emergency Response Manuals and other response tools for your corporation.
Where we are
How to reach FERST Training Solutions
Nationally Recognised Courses we offer
Locations we provide training in
ACT, NSW and Northern Victoria
Our online courses can be delivered for individuals and organisations nation wide.